Occurences of uchyate

Word Meaning Reference
uchyate is said BG 2.25
uchyate is called BG 2.48
uchyate is said BG 2.55
uchyate is called BG 2.56
uchyate are called BG 3.6
uchyate are said to be BG 3.40
uchyate is said BG 6.3
uchyate is said BG 6.3
uchyate is said BG 6.4
uchyate is said BG 6.8
uchyate is said BG 6.18
uchyate is called BG 8.1-2
uchyate is called BG 8.3
uchyate is called BG 13.13
uchyate is said (to be) BG 13.18
uchyate is said to be BG 13.21
uchyate is said to be BG 13.21
uchyate are said to have BG 14.24-25
uchyate is said BG 15.16
uchyate is declared as BG 17.14
uchyate are declared as BG 17.15
uchyate are declared as BG 17.16
uchyate is pronounced BG 17.26-27
uchyate are termed as BG 17.28
uchyate is called BG 18.23
uchyate is declared to be BG 18.25
uchyate is said to be BG 18.26
uchyate is said to be BG 18.28